Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Warthogs Paint

Warthogs Paint is written by Pamela Duncan Edwards and illustrated by Henry Cole.
Picture book
1st/2nd Grade
3.5 out of 5
Warthogs Paint is about some warthogs who are stuck inside on a rainy day. To keep themselves from being bored they paint their kitchen. This task ends up turning into a mess causing them to learn about mixing colors.
I thought this book was a good children's book. I liked that there was not too much lengthy text on each page, so that children will not get bored when reading this book or having it read to them. This book was also good for children because every page rhymed, this made it fun to read aloud because you will be able to read it with a rhythm. Warthogs Paint was easy to connect to as a reader because everyone will or has learned about the primary colors and about how fun they can be mix and make new colors. Also because every kid would love to be able to paint their kitchen and make a mess. The book was also very cute and would be funny for children to read because the warthogs are spilling paint left and right. I thought that the illustrations in the story were very cute because they were cartoons. The pictures also told the story; you could have just looked at the pictures and got the main point of the story. They were made by pen, colored pencils, and watercolor paint. I also liked that the words that were colors such as blue, was actually written in blue kids can match the words with the colors.
The Warthogs Paint could very easily be used when teaching young children about primary colors. The back of the book has a color guide which would be a good worksheet to give to my students so they could refer back to. An activity I could do with my students is allow them to experiment with the three primary colors, using paint or frosting with food coloring. you could allow them to figure out what colors they can make with just these three colors. After they play around I will teach them about the secondary colors.

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