Sunday, September 12, 2010


Raf is written by Anke de Vries and Charlotte Dematons and is illustrated by Charlotte Dematons.
Picture book
1st - 3rd Grade
3.5 out of 5
Raf is about a little boy, Ben, and his stuffed giraffe, Raf. Raf goes missing and begins to send Ben postcards about where he is and of his adventures. Raf meets many new friends and in the end Ben is finally reunited with Raf on his birthday.
I think Raf is really good book. I thought that it was funny to hear about all of Raf's adventures. I really liked the illustrations in this book. Every picture showed where Raf was he was in and what he was doing. My favorite page was when Raf was with the flamingos; I thought it was funny that he said, "P.S. Help! They are pooping on my nose." I also like this page because it did not actually show the flamingos or tell you but by what little you see of them and of the description Raf gives you can figure out that they are what he is talking about.
You could use this in a classroom and I think that the kids would really enjoy it. A great activity I could do is read the book aloud and then have students make their own postcards. The postcards would be about a place they want to go, have gone, or anywhere they choose. They could also draw a picture on their postcards. Another activity you could have students do is to have them write a story about their favorite stuffed animal.

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