Friday, September 24, 2010

The Stinky Cheese Man

The Stinky Cheese Man is written by Jon Scieszka and illustrated by Lane Smith.
Picture Book/Fairy Tale
2nd - 4th Grade
4 out of 5
This book is a spoof of many well-known fairy tales, which the book calls "Fairly Stupid Tales".
I really liked this book as an adult and I also liked it when I was a child. I think that it is really funny to compare the chapters in the book to the fairy tales they are based on. My favorite story in the book is The Really Ugly Duckling. It is based off of the Ugly Duckling but instead of the duckling turning beautiful in the end, the duckling in this story just turns into a really ugly duck. Another thing I loved about this book is the pictures. They are really funny and different than most books you see. They are dark and intricate. The Stinky Cheese Man won the Caldecott Honor for the illustrations.

The Stinky Cheese Man can be a great book when used in the classroom or just to have in the classroom library. I was able to read this book to a student and she loved it. She thought it was hilarious and she also loved the illustrations. She wanted to stop after reading each page to examine the pictures. I thought of many activities you could do involving this book. The activity I did with the child I read it to was to read the book and then try and write our own funny fairy tales based off of other famous fairy tales we already knew. She really enjoyed this activity but it was hard to get her to use her imagination. Another activity I thought about doing with this book is to read the book and then to create our own fairy tale character and make up a story about the character.

1 comment:

  1. This seems like a really popular book! A lot of people have used it with their child study kids. I think I read it as a kid too! Will have to use it soon :)
