Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"Slowly, Slowly, Slowly," said the Sloth

"Slowly, Slowly, Slowly," said the Sloth is written and illustrated by Eric Carle.
1st - 2nd Grade
Picture Book
1 out of 5
This book is about a sloth who is judged for being lazy. The sloth explains why he enjoys his life.
I did not like "Slowly, Slowly, Slowly," said the Sloth because I felt that it was really boring and really repetitive. Almost every page says the same thing but a different activity that the sloth does. The pages do not say anything exciting and it isn't until the very end that the sloth finally speaks up and tells all the animals in the jungle why he does not care that he is lazy and enjoys that he is lazy because he just does everything with relaxation. I just did not enjoy this book and it was hard to get through for me. In the beginning of the book there is a forward written by Jane Goodall about the sloth. I think that this part was interesting because it tells the reader about the animal and about how it is becoming extinct and hopefully this forward will help readers becoming aware of the amazing animals in the world. The illustrations in this book are like most all books that Eric Carle illustrate; they are painted tissue-paper collages. I love the pictures in this book because they are bright and beautiful.
I do not think that this book would have a good place in the classroom. This is because I do not think that the students would find this book at all entertaining. One fun activity you could do in the classroom involving this book is actually involving the forward; you could have the students research sloths and think of ways to raise money to donate for preservation of sloths and of the rain forests.

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